Freelance Writing Resources to Improve Your Skills

Picture of Carla Tensuan

Carla Tensuan

Photo by Sarah Dietz from Pexels

One of the most important skills anyone can have is to write well, but writing is a craft that takes time and practice to master. Whether you want to become a better blogger or copywriter, you can find many resources and techniques to enhance your writing skills. Reading books, learning to edit your work, and sticking to good writing habits are just a few excellent examples.

Here are six types of resources, from blogs to writing aids and apps, that can help writers at any level improve their skill set.


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pixabay

Blogs provide a wealth of information and are an excellent place to start when you’re looking for new topics and ideas. They’re also a great way of staying updated with the latest trends. I recommend that you start your search with Elna Cain’s blog. I also enjoy reading posts from SmartBlogger and Freelancing School.


Photo by Lubos Houska from Pixabay

The essential tool for any writer is reading books. Read as much as you can. It’s an investment in your career. I have a personal library of reliable foreign and local titles on topics related to writing and my niches. I also read e-books on how to succeed as a creative freelance writer. Books like Strunk and White’s The Elements of Style have helped me feel more confident as a writer and do my best work for my clients.

Email courses

Photo by Stephen Phillips – from Unsplash

Are you comfortable communicating by email? Sign up for an email course to help you become more adept at writing for your clients’ audiences. Most email courses provide templates to start with and access to a video or lesson library. I’ve taken free email courses by The Freelance Movement and ProBlogger, which provide plenty of ideas and practical next steps.

Massive open online courses

Photo by Tumisu from Pixabay

Suppose you want to build your skillset from the best learning institutions but don’t have the budget or the time. In that case, massive open online courses (MOOCs) can expand your knowledge in areas you’re interested in. There are MOOCs not only on English or writing but also on entrepreneurship, bookkeeping, and communications. Get started by checking out top providers such as CourseraedX, and FutureLearn.


Photo by C D-X on Unsplash

Sometimes writers get discouraged because they don’t know what to write about or how to structure their ideas. Or maybe you need to take a break and listen to someone else talk about their problems. Fortunately, there are many podcasts for fiction and non-fiction writers. You can turn to them when you feel like you’re stuck. It’s a great idea to listen to them as they offer advice, editing tips, and motivation to keep you going. Check out my blog post on my favorite writing and freelancing podcasts if you’re looking for podcasts to add to your playlist.

Writing aids and apps

Photo by USA-Reiseblogger from Pixabay

Writing can be a stressful experience for a lot of people. However, the right aids, apps, and tools will help you get better. Whether you’re looking to take your writing to the next level or trying to find a new approach to your work, countless writing apps and tools will help you sharpen your skills. Grammarly and WordHippo are just among the many apps and tools I use when writing.

About the author

Carla Tensuan is a freelance writer, editor, and communications specialist. She specializes in crafting creative copy, blog content, and press releases. She enjoys listening to podcasts, reading books, and practicing yoga in her free time. She lives with her husband in Manila, Philippines.
