The 7 Writing Apps and Tools Freelancers Need

Picture of Carla Tensuan

Carla Tensuan

Photo by Christina @ from Unsplash

Being a freelance writer is a full-time job. It requires you to be pragmatic, efficient, and professional. You will need to juggle multiple writing projects at the same time. You must be as creative as your clients and as technologically savvy as their target audience. One way that has helped me do this is by keeping up with tools and apps for writing, editing, and even marketing. Here are seven must-have writing apps and tools to hone your craft and ensure your writing is of the highest quality.

Writing Tool #1: Merriam-Webster dictionary

Photo by Romain Vignes from Unsplash

As a freelance writer, you must be aware of the differences between the definitions of words. If you have your dictionary from your school days, then good for you. Nowadays, however, visiting a dictionary website like Merriam-Webster does the job. Are you trying to explain complex language in more straightforward terms? Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries is an excellent choice for English learners.

Writing Tool #2: Thesaurus and WordHippo

Photo by Alborzagros from Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 4.0)

You’re looking for the right word, and your word processor offers limited suggestions. This is where an online thesaurus comes in. A thesaurus comes in handy in looking for more appropriate words or different ways of expressing common words, and is a popular option. WordHippo, on the other hand, does a great job at answering “What’s another word for…?” questions.

Writing Tool #3: Idiom dictionary

Photo by Brett Jordan from Unsplash

Idioms are expressions unique to a language. As a writer, you need to use the proper idioms correctly. If your work involves creative copywriting, idioms are a springboard for wording inspirations and ideas. The Free Dictionary has a search tab for idioms to check if you got an idiom right.

Writing Tool #4: Capitalize My Title

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood from Pexels

Capitalize My Title is an underrated yet valuable online tool for writers. It’s simple: type in or paste your headline, select a style guide, and you have a properly capitalized title following your preferred style. This tool is convenient whether you write for media, business, academia, email, or Wikipedia.

Writing Tool #5: Headline Analyzer by CoSchedule

Photo by Natalie Dupin from Pexels

Writing a compelling headline is the key to getting your reader’s attention. You want to grab their attention immediately, so they will keep reading to learn more. With CoSchedule’s free Headline Analyzer, you can tweak your ideas into headlines that fetch higher search engine optimization (SEO) scores. No more second-guessing whether your headline will draw in readers.

Writing Tool #6: Grammarly

Photo by Katelyn from Pexels

Most writers should know how to review, copy-edit, and proofread their work. Sometimes, though, a typo can slip through the cracks. Grammarly is a tool that helps you check your grammar and spelling while giving you quick and easy proofreading. Think of this online software tool as a fresh set of eyes. Make the most of their applications, from Microsoft Office plug-ins to Chrome extensions to premium subscriptions.

Writing Tool #7: Ubersuggest

Photo by Melanie Deziel from Unsplash

Freelance writers with knowledge of SEO have a considerable advantage. If you’re starting to learn this marketing skill like myself, it helps to know what keywords to mention in your content. Keyword search tools such as Moz and SEMrush can be expensive. One of the more affordable options is Neil Patel’s Ubersuggest, a keyword suggestion app. If you want to write a story about dogs, this tool will suggest dog-related keywords. Just enter your keyword, and it will find the top queries.

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About the author

Carla Tensuan is a freelance writer, editor, and communications specialist. She specializes in crafting creative copy, blog content, and press releases. She enjoys listening to podcasts, reading books, and practicing yoga in her free time. She lives with her husband in Manila, Philippines.
